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Urgent Call For Action To Protect Children In Crisis

UNICEF Warns of Worsening Humanitarian Crisis in Gaza Amid Ongoing Military Besiegement

Urgent Call for Action to Protect Children in Crisis


As the humanitarian crisis in the Gaza Strip continues to escalate, UNICEF has issued a dire warning, highlighting the desperate plight of children in the besieged territory.

With hundreds of thousands of children in Rafah suffering from injuries, malnutrition, trauma, and disabilities, UNICEF is urging immediate action to address the escalating crisis.

Children Bear the Brunt of Conflict

In a tent situated near a cemetery, Rehab Abu Daqqa struggles to provide shelter for her seven children from the relentless shelling in Rafah. The ongoing conflict has forced families to seek refuge in makeshift shelters, exposing them to extreme hardship and danger.

According to reports, at least 45 people, including women and children, were killed in an Israeli air strike on a camp for displaced Palestinians in Rafah.

Urgent Call for Protection

As survivors of the bombing attempt to salvage their belongings amidst the devastation, UNICEF calls upon all parties involved to prioritize the protection of children.

The organization emphasizes the need for immediate humanitarian assistance, including medical care, food supplies, and shelter for children and families affected by the conflict.

International Responsibility

UNICEF urges the international community to take immediate action to address the worsening crisis in Gaza and ensure the protection and well-being of children caught in the crossfire.

The organization highlights its commitment to continue providing support and assistance to children and families in Gaza, working tirelessly to ensure their safety and uphold their fundamental rights.
